I had the last of my Christmas visitors today. It was lovely to see the grandchildren open their pressies... and the grown ups too of course. We had a buffet lunch and used up the last of the turkey, thank goodness! I got to play with baby and love my pressies.
Its now evening and I have spent some time relaxing with my pressed flowers, creating a simple arrangement. I layered them on a lace background with a contrasting border. I think the arrangement could have been fuller but never mind, I think the design will make nice greetings cards. I'm quite happy with it.
This morning I went to church to see the altar boys and girls get enrolled into the St Stephen Association. They got their medals and certificates and then had a lovely reception in the hall with lots of cakes, juice and goodies. I'm so glad I could share in their celebration.
Talking about celebrations. What a wonderful day we had last Sunday. My youngest grandchild got christened and we followed with a double celebration for the christening and Christmas with lots of family members. It was a great afternoon and I think everyone enjoyed themselves.
The temperature has dropped considerably and we are back to minus temps again. Brrrrrrrr! I hope we don't get snow again. Once a winter is enough for me.
Yikes! the dog had a funny turn today. One would think he was drunk, staggering around the kitchen. He seems OK now but I will have to watch him closely. It was strange.
Tomorrow is the last day of my son's holiday with us. He returns to Spain on Sunday. We have all enjoyed his company so much and will miss giving him spontaneous hugs just for the joy of it. I'm not sure he will miss the hugs so much though, he is probably sore with it all...aww bless!
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