Saturday, 30 July 2011

late night ramblings

We have visitors this weekend so I am cleaning up as if royalty was coming! I'm behind schedule because I've felt so yuk today but I'm not going to get too worried about that (she says). My crafty things will be out of bounds as my craft room will be my guests' bedroom. Thats OK as long as I don't get withdrawal, lol.
To keep the old mojo inspired I sometimes look back at some of my pressed flower artwork and amaze myself. 

tropicana10001 by florafinity
tropicana10001, a photo by florafinity on Flickr.

Did I do that????            How did I do that????               Must try that again!!!
Like this fantasy flower pic created back in 2002. I love them as much now as I did then, they are like old friends, made at the start of my journey into pressed flower art. I share one with you here.

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful flower, I usesd to press flowers when I was a young girl, many moons ago..lOl...lOl.


