Sunday, 16 February 2014

Letter to self and others

italic hand with pressed flowers

I can't believe its 6 months since I last posted. What have I been doing??? Well for a start I've taken on too many projects, most of which are presently languishing unfinished, such as Eva's first year scrapbook, a sketch of family that needs coloured, a script in uncial in the Book of Kell's style with odd looking animals entwined in the letters and several more, some of which I'm sure I've forgotten about. I can make a mental list of things to do but it becomes so long and unwieldy I get exhausted just thinking about it and end up doing nothing. So no progress is made and I might start yet another project at the kitchen table until I can't bear the clutter any more and that project is 'retired' with all the others. 

Of course I could work at my arts and crafts in my craft room but I've run out of desk space in there. I really should spend a day tidying up and reorganising my work space and my time. Did I tell you I joined the U3A Bede, Jarrow Branch and go to their art group once a week. Also, I joined a calligraphy class, held once a week, my tutor being the Chairperson of the Northumbrian Scribes. Yay!! I'm enjoying both.

All the above interspersed with the occasional coffee morning, socials, trips out, breakfast and lunch dining out, day dreaming and getting comfy on the sofa, watching rubbish on TV and planning on doing things but then never do and more. Such is life in retirement. I can't complain, though I could do with a kick in the proverbial to get me motivated more... or maybe some spring sunshine.

Next project please!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back and may I encourage you to get your workspace tidied so you can create and share the loveliness with us all!

