Wednesday 24 September 2014

From Spring to Autumn and now I'm back !

Garden Pansies

I keep saying it like a broken record... 'I can't believe its so long since I wrote my blog'. Time flies, it certainly does ! Especially when you are having a good time, or so the saying goes. It hasn't all been good but it ended up very good and lots to be thankful for.

A spell in hospital saw me losing a stone in weight in just over a week. I broke both bones in my wrist while on holiday in Gran Canaria and had to have an operation there, and now I have been diagnosed with brittle bone disease. On the upside I spent a week in Lourdes which was wonderful and then my Oncologist said I need not take my gist treatment anymore but to continue with scans. Hooray!!! I'm kicking cancer's but and I have gradually built up energy and a will to live again. How wonderful! I'm getting back into being creative and given myself so many projects, my positivety knows no bounds. 
candle decorated with pressed flowers

I have made some fab candles and plan to make lots of greetings cards with pressed flowers, decorate bags and fill some gift bags with goodies for Christmas. Most of this will be going into the shop my daughter Jo recently opened and some will hopefully be for sale at a Christmas craft fair coming up at Bedesworld. I love visiting Bedesworld and enjoying a walk around the farm and saying hello to the animals, calling in the museum, getting a coffee at the cafe (al-fresco) and generally having a peaceful yet invigorating time in the fresh air. 
ancient breed at Bedesworld

I'm aiming to rekindle my love of baking too. The garden lavender is gathered and is now hang-drying in a bunch in my kitchen for making lavender shortcake, which is delicious and so easy to bake.  I'm just so greedy for creative play I don't get time enough! A far cry from six months ago, I'm happy to say.

I gently eased myself back into the art group at U3A today just simply colouring in black and white illustrations in a 1983 edition of The Complete Works of Lewis Carol. I picked it up for just 20p at a second hand book stall. Eventually I will give it to my granddaughter Natalie as she is such a bookworm, I think she will love it. Tomorrow I return to Calligraphy class and with my hand working much better now should be able to attempt those lovely scripts again. 

Its lovely Autumn now and phew! my life is full to the brim and I'm so glad of it. I had to capture those lovely autumn colours in our garden right now before they disappeared into winter. I love this time of year.

Autumn garden
'til we meet again...enjoy!

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